Monday, April 29, 2013

Introducing Coffee Shop School! I am a full time employee/owner of a coffeeshop, where I have, thus far, raised my 5 year old son and 3 year daughter. We do have a separate home. It is a place we sleep, cook, garden, and sometimes we relax there. Most of our time is spent here, at the coffee shop. This year my husband and I made the somewhat difficult decision to homeschool or, perhaps more appropriately termed, coffeeshop school. A long story, that I may have to save for later. In short, we felt God calling us to not only give our children a better education, but more importantly to disciple them and raise them according to our beliefs in Christ Jesus.
We actually we started this year, somewhat unofficially. I have been exploring curriculum options, finding fabulous freebies, and trying to decide what style we want to follow. The search has opened my eyes to a whole new world of homeschooling options. You see, previously, I was kind of against homeschooling (part of that long story, best saved for later) so once we decided it was the path we were being led to take, I had to do a lot of research. I say "I" because, although my husband is supportive, I spend the majority of the day with the children and he is just is not the "researching" type. A natural born teacher's trait, he tells me, is researching. And it is true, I do love the researching I just need to apply it!
We started out with the traditional school approach, looked at Charlotte Mason, Notebooking, Lapbooks, Unschooling (which may happen unintentionally!), Eclectic, Classical, and the list goes on. I guess the reason I decided to do this "blog thing" is because through all this research, I have heard of only one who is homeschooling and working in the midst of it and her blog is not about homeschooling. I am probably missing someone, I am sure, the blog world, I have found, is huge! This is a learning experience for me and hopefully, I can encourage someone else in the process.

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